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Zariadenia na zváranie rúr z HDPE majú veľkú tepelnú skladovaciu kapacitu a kapacitu včasného doplňovania


How to weld HDPE Pipe Welding Machine to ensure the quality of PP-R tubing welding:

One, must choose the quality qualified hot melt welder.

Shan temperature control should be correct. PP-R Hot Melt Welding temperature is: 253. If the temperature is below 253 Shan, the pipes and fittings are only a thin surface of the melting, once they are fused between, the strength of the weld is not guaranteed, this is what we usually call false welding phenomenon; Conversely, if the temperature is above 274 Shan, the surface molecules of pipes and fittings are destroyed by high temperature, so that pp-r form thin liquid, after connecting will make the pipe diameter smaller, more importantly, the connection part will occur brittle crack, especially in the piping system completed after the water pressure, Such problems often occur.

Shan constant temperature time is long. The length of the constant temperature is one of the important symbols of the performance of hot-melt welding equipment. Hot-melt equipment still has a heat consumption problem after heating up to set temperature, especially in the winter, the tuyere, even in the non operating gap, its heat consumption is also very large, and once the operation, its pipes and fittings are separately consumed heat energy, which requires the equipment has a strong thermal storage capacity and timely replenishment capacity.

Second, must choose the qualified and suitable welding sleeve.

Kvalifikovaná zváracia objímka je navrhnutá tak, aby plne zohľadňovala priečnu štruktúru a hĺbku zvaru rúrky po zváraní, ako aj povrchovú viskozitu a hladkosť povrchu. V súčasnosti má domáca výroba tavného zvárania metódou pp-R, PPC, PE a ďalších výrobcov vodných potrubí stovky. Pretože výrobcovia výroby surovín, prísad, rôzne podmienky prostredia, výber zariadenia, takže výroba potrubia a veľkosť potrubia je odlišná. Preto si výrobcovia a používatelia potrubí musia zvoliť vlastný zvárací rukáv priemeru rúry. Po operátorovi by malo byť po poslednom zváraní potrebné vyčistiť povrch zváracej objímky, aby sa zabránilo nečistotám vo zváracej časti.

Pre potrubie s kalibrom viac ako 40 mm je kvôli veľkému kalibru a schopnosti neosobnej sily potrebné použiť mechanické zariadenie na zabezpečenie hĺbky a priamosti vstupu potrubia do potrubia. Zistili sme, že na mnohých stavbách s piatimi až šiestimi pracovníkmi na 110 mm rozhraní pre zváranie nemôže spoločnosť Dickens zaručiť rovnosť potrubia a hĺbku zasunutia, celé navinutie potrubia, čo si za určitých teplotných a tlakových podmienok možno len ťažko predstaviť.

Po tretie, tavné zváranie v ľahko sa vyskytujúce problémy.

It should be said that in strict accordance with the welding process and welding technology requirements of the construction operation of the pipeline system, under normal temperature and pressure to use is not a problem. However, we often find in the day-to-day construction of pipes and fittings in the junction of a burst phenomenon or sand.

Hlavné dôvody sú tieto:

Shan Hot Melt welder temperature is not correct, too high or too low, the performance of polypropylene is changed;

Shan, povrch zváracej objímky nie je správne uložený, alebo povrchová vrstva odpadá, aby kontaktná časť rúry vytvorila pieskový otvor;

The size of the Shan welding sleeve is not correct, so the melting depth and weld structure of the pipe are not suitable.

The welding surface of the pipe is not cleaned before the Shan welding.

Shan zvárané rúry a tvarovky nezachovávajú koncentrické alebo priame čiary.

IV. Správny postup zvárania.

Preparation of Shan hot-melt welding

Shan for the outer diameter 25-110mm pipe to chamfer the beveling mouth to 15 chamfer to the original tube wall thickness of half;

Shan sa čistí čistiacim strojom (alebo liehom) a kefou na povrch zvarovej časti potrubia;

Shan when a pre assembled part is fused, the connection is marked in the position required by the pipe and the fitting.

Falošná ráž 40 mm nad zváraním rúr musí používať rovinu a zvislý zvárací stroj;

After each dissolution, Shan should use dry cloth or dry paper to clean the heating sleeve and heating head, do not use detergent.

Shan Hot Melt and connection

Shan The tubes and fittings are inserted into the heating sleeve and the heating head, do not rotate or move too fast (to make the material melt time).

After the Shan is heated, remove the pipes and fittings from the heating element and do not rotate the heating part.

Shan potrubia a tvarovky sú stlačené pozdĺž osi ihneď po zahriatí, neotáčajte. Striktne dodržujte štandardy tavného zvárania, aby ste udržali čas a čas chladenia.

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